Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Bows
My friend Jenny and I got together to make some adorable Christmas bows for our girls to wear for our Ward Christmas party. Ella wore the snowman and Eliza wore the tree. Aren't they just so cute. It is so funny to watch them on the floor together. Ella tries to play with Eliza but Eliza is just not to the "playing" point yet! Ella is 8 months and Eliza is 3 months... soon to be best friends!
Eliza & Ella
Friends with cute bows that their mommies made.
Silly Ella
Little Eliza in her cute sweater.
Ella wanted Eliza's hair bow. Even when we switched sides... haha
Eliza's new favorite thing... insert hand here.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Weeks in review
Eliza after she got her 2 month shots.
Matt & Eliza playing on the computer.
Eliza 10 weeks old.
What are they looking at?
I love this outfit.
Aren't these bunny slippers adorable?
Eliza & Daddy. Eliza 11 weeks.
I love this outfit too!
Eliza's Blessing
november 29, 2009 eliza was blessed. matt did a wonderful job. he had a little practice earlier this year when he blessed our niece savannah. i cried. matt cried. but what do you expect when it's your own child?

our family
eliza & mommy
eliza & daddy
matt's siblings & spouses except for paula & aaron
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I am a Mother. That is Enough.
Check out this AWESOME post about being a mother here.
She explains so eloquently exactly what I feel about being a mother.
She explains so eloquently exactly what I feel about being a mother.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Our Thanksgiving
Well I am just a little behind but.....
We had our Thanksgiving dinner at our church this year. Almost all of Matt's family was in town for Eliza's blessing and all of my family came. There were about 30+ people and we had a good time. It was fun to experience each other's traditions.
Here is a picture of some of the Keeler girls.
These two cuties are the Hawley grandchildren. Don't you just love their turkey bows?!?!
My sister Kelsey & her daughter Savannah
All the girls with their turkey bows that I made!
Love the TURKEY BOWS!!
My brother Casey got to come home from Baghdad for Thanksgiving. It was the first time he was able to see his nieces. So cute!
I taped this sweet video with our new video camera about what my family is thankful for, hopefully I will be able to get it together and post it.... well maybe some day anyway :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A love note for my Jeep <3
Right before Thanksgiving I put my Jeep up for sale on Craigslist and my dad also parked it on the side of his shop up on Pumb and Lakeside. Matt and I were expecting to get $1,000 out of it and would be excited if we even got that much, but after my dad did some research we decided to list it for $1,800. Did you know on Craigslist you can't find a car for under $2,000! Crazy... there were 1989 vehicles for sale for $2,000 or more. Who would pay that?!?!?!
Well we got a few hits from Craigslist pretty quickly and one girl wanted to make payments... which really showed us how much people are hurting for money right now. Usually if someone wants to buy a car they at least have $1,500 in cash for one, but not in this economy. But two days after posting it and the day after my dad put the FOR SALE sign on it a guy walked into my dad shop and asked if there was anything wrong with the car. My dad said it needed new tires but that was it. They guy said he'd take it for $1,700. He didn't even test drive it... he just said he'd be back at 5 o'clock with cash and he'd take it!!!
We couldn't have asked for anything better! My dad called me right away and was ecstatic! He's always been a good salesman. Thanks dad!!
So later that night I said goodbye to Ruby. (that's my jeep's name.) I didn't shed tears but it was sad.
Here's Ruby for the last time!
Dear Ruby,
You have been an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING car! From the moment I laid eyes on you in Carson City I knew you had to be mine. Then again when my dad and grandpa arrived in Rexburg with you on the car trailer I knew we were meant to be together! You kept me safe year after year in the cold, icy, frozen weather. You made SPLENDID donuts in the snow. You still managed to look smokin' hott with a broken tail light. Your rear window proved to be very durable even when it fell out and landed on the street at the four way stop. Your seats folded down to make a great bed for watching movies at the drive ins. Your radio made for great "in car" concerts while driving to the mall in Idaho Falls and for making up songs driving back from SLC. You were the vehicle of choice when driving to my best friend's weddings and you always managed to fit all of my groceries... and roommates! Even though you broke down 18 miles out of Jackpot, Nevada (with a stranger riding in the backseat) and we had to call a tow truck, which led us to getting escorted out of a casino for loitering, and sleeping in the backseat for a few hours until we moved to a strange hotel while we waited for my dad and grandpa to drive for six hours to get us... you are still wonderful... and I love you... even with a dented door (compliments of Casey's foot) and a squeaking noise coming from the engine.
Now you have a new good home and are going to make someone else very happy. I will miss you and the fun times we had but I will always remember the memories we made together... Now be a good car and hopefully I'll see you around.
Love, Your old driver :)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Eliza is 2 Months Old
On Sunday Eliza turned 2 months old and we can't believe how fast time is FLYING! Here are a few pictures of Miss Eliza:
A Welcome Shower For Eliza
Before I had Eliza my co-workers were planning a little shower for me for Thursday, September 24th. Unknown to all of us, Eliza came on Tuesday, September 22nd so they weren't able to give me a shower. So last week Eliza and I went into work for a "Welcome to Earth" shower for Eliza. Here are a few pictures:
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Family Pictures
We had our family pictures taken today. Here is a sneak peak!

The same photographer that took Eliza's newborn photos, did our family pictures. Check out her blog at or click here.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Is this really who I married????
A few weeks ago Matt looked like this:
But now it looks like this:
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