Monday, February 25, 2013

The Bachelor

.... I LOVE The Bachelor. I'm not sure when exactly I first watched it and for quite a few years I was on and off, but since I've gotten married and had babies I am ADDICTED! I think it's because I don't have much drama in my life so I NEED to watch it.

A few girls from my ward and I get together every week and sometimes I watch it with my bestie and her roommates, but no matter who it's with it is so much fun and you can talk about it for hours! And then talking about it leads to talking about other things and it is such a good time.

Tonight my fav AshLee got kicked off. I was SO nervous because I kind of thought it was coming but didn't want it to. And when her name wasn't called and she didn't get a rose she did exactly what I have thought I would do ever since I started watching... she walked away. No words. Nothing. And she turned her head away from the camera.  I feel heartbroken for her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I could watch it with you! Des was my favorite for some reason. I thought she was so pretty. I check fb every Monday night to see what you thought;). I actually read this at 1:00 this morning when I was up with Greyson. Glad someone is blogging again. The previous post was too cute. I miss your cute kids and you!